What the Google Algorithm Change Means to Aerospace Marketers
Ensuring that your website is mobile-friendly has always been important. Now it’s becoming essential. Google recently announced an upcoming mobile algorithm update that will use a website’s “mobile-friendliness” as a ranking signal. Starting April 21, websites will not appear in mobile search results unless they are optimized for mobile viewing, either through a responsive design or a separate mobile website. Read Google’s announcement here.
Why should I pay attention?
Simply put, if your website does not comply, prospects may not be able to find you. Mobile device usage is on the rise. The new generation of decision makers is constantly in touch on smartphones. Search Engine Land reports that roughly 29% of all search queries online are done on a mobile device (tablet or smartphone) and that percentage is consistently growing. Even if your company isn’t actively advertising online, Google Think Databoard’s research insights indicate that more than 50% of smartphone users have performed a mobile search after seeing an offline ad.
What is a mobile-friendly website?
Mobile-friendly websites are specifically created for viewing on a mobile device or tablet. Websites that are mobile-friendly offer a presentation that highlights important information and is easy to navigate.
Here are two websites viewed side-by-side on a mobile device.

The Lockheed Martin website is mobile-friendly; the website has larger type and the news is easily accessible. This website also features the universal “hamburger” menu in the top left that will expand to a mobile menu, allowing visitors to easily browse different pages. The Boeing website is not mobile-friendly. There is a lot of while space at the bottom and the text is small and hard to read. A website visitor to the Boeing website would have to pinch and zoom to complete a menu selection.
April 21 is soon – how do I become mobile-friendly?
Complete Google’s Mobile-Friendly test here. Enter your website’s URL and Google will instantly share how the Googlebot will see your page
If your website isn’t mobile friendly, contact your internal IT department, web developer or BDN Aerospace and discuss how to create a mobile-friendly website.
Add Google Webmaster Tools to your website. This is a platform where Google will share information that can help improve your site’s search results rankings.
While you are checking your website, it’s a good time to do an overall SEO check: update your blog and make sure that meta titles, meta descriptions, and image alt tags are present.