An Uplifting Visit with Sergei Sikorsky

 In Aerospace Specific, Just Because

sergei-sikorskyThe Sikorsky name is synonymous with the advancement of vertical lift technology and the invention of modern helicopters. The corporation and products that bear the family name are equally as impressive and inspiring. With all of this history and legend behind a name you could imagine how I might be a bit intimidated when asked to interview Sergei Sikorsky for a client project. I’m not sure what I was afraid of, or even what to expect, but I was sure that I didn’t want to screw it up.

We were scheduled to meet at the Arizona Biltmore in the Mystery Room, a former speakeasy lounge created in the days of Prohibition. I arrived early to assist in the set-up of the room, lighting and video cameras, to make sure that everything was working perfectly. Sergei and his lovely wife, Elena arrived right on time, fully prepared for the video interview. As soon as I met them I knew there was nothing to be nervous about, Sergei and Elena Sikorsky are such a charming, easygoing couple.

As the interview got under way, we went through our list of prepared questions and Sergei shared his stories of what it was like in the early days being a test-dummy for his father’s helicopter hoisting operations. His storytelling abilities and his recollection for names, dates and details was amazing. He was also kind enough to bring some historic photos from his collection to illustrate his stories. One image was a newspaper reprint that shows himself performing a helicopter rescue hoist demonstration.

“It’s a bond drive and there I am being lifted up. It was very interesting for me as a 19 or 20-year old sailor, because the crowd control wasn’t all that bad and once I got through the demonstration, I would invariably walk over to the crowd, pick a couple of pretty girls out and ask them for their phone numbers.”

It turns out that Sergei has always been quite the ladies man.

I’m sure that Sergei has told these stories hundreds of times, but he still speaks about them with such fondness. He’s been living and breathing aerospace his entire life, and he still loves to tell the stories, describe the photos, attend the industry events and share his love of the subject. Here’s how he describes it.

“Yes, it’s been an interesting life, there’s no doubt about it. I am very lucky to have spent my whole life in aviation. Yes, I still fly occasionally and my wife says that when I come back from having flown an airplane that I’m about 5 years younger. Now, some people will call it second childhood, but I call it rejuvenation. It is a very strange, unique feeling. It’s a wonderful feeling, and certainly the gift of flying that was given to us by so many of the pioneers, is to me still romantic, still inspiring.”

Before I knew it our interview had come to an end. Sergei and Elena had brought copies of his book, The Sikorsky Legacy, which he autographed for each of us as we were wrapping up.

So what did I learn from all of this? I learned that I still admire the Sikorsky name but for reasons I never expected. I envy that Sergei found his calling so early in life and it continues to be his passion. The fact that he still uses words like rejuvenation and romantic to describe his love of aviation. I’m impressed that Sergei was willing to participate in rescue hoist demonstrations and operations to show his confidence in his father’s inventions and products. The way he still enjoys traveling to aerospace events to hand out awards and speak about his father’s life and achievements. And the fact that he and Elena are such kind and considerate people that you forget about the legacy behind the Sikorsky name and feel like you’re having a conversation with friends.

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