Oh, the Glamorous Life of an Intern

This summer I’ve had the good fortune to work as an intern at BDN Aerospace Marketing. As a communications major at Arizona State University I have been struggling with how to make use of my degree after college. BDN has helped me work through this question, and I am forever grateful to them for doing so.
As a communications major my career options are almost endless and almost paralyzing. However, getting some real-world experience interning at a small marketing agency has helped me identify some of my strengths and my weaknesses, and I’m honing in on what I want to do after I graduate in the fall.
After being thrust into the deep-end and having to sink or swim, I have a better understanding and appreciation for the fast-paced world of marketing. From the initial grunt work of Excel sheets and media lists all the way to copywriting I have gained a good sense of what it’s like to be a marketing professional. None of this would have been possible without the guidance of my mentors at BDN.
I cannot thank the BDN team enough for this opportunity. They have, in most cases, had enough patience to take me under their wing and show me the ropes, and I have contributed some very good work for them in the process. I know that the chance to work with a group of people as talented and passionate as this is not one that comes too often, or that should be taken for granted.
As for me, I will have to say goodbye to BDN as I head back to school. I hope to make the most of my last semester of my undergrad. The professors at ASU will have some big shoes to fill. I can only hope to learn as much from them over the course of a semester as I have from BDN over the past two months. I look forward to graduating and jumping right back into the high-speed world of marketing. There’s really never a dull moment, and I love that.