Ask an Editor: 10 Secrets to PR Success

 In Aerospace Specific, BDN, How-Tos, Just Because, Marketing Ideas, Marketing Planning & Strategy, Public Relations


By Matt Thurber, Senior Editor, AIN Publications

You’ve got news! But how do you get the word out?

Although there are fewer print magazines now serving the aviation market, a seemingly infinite number of online products are hungry for content, and all of these publications–whether print or Web or e-newsletters or blogs or Facebook posts or Tweets–need constant care and feeding. It’s enough to drive a company’s public relations department crazy.

As a publisher on all of the above outlets–and more–AIN Publications knows what it’s like to be on the receiving end of the onslaught of press releases, announcements, and updates from companies inside and outside the industry segments that we cover. While we can’t speak for our competitors in the publishing business, perhaps some insight into how the process works at AIN might help your company in its public relations efforts. This will also help your company avoid common errors that cause us to click the delete button as soon as your press release hits our inboxes.

Incidentally, we know that many companies can’t afford a full-time public relations (PR) person and that the job often gets handed off to the marketing department, but marketing is not PR, and vice versa. There are plenty of independent professional PR agents available who not only know the aviation market but also are very familiar with the publishers that serve this market. If at all possible, hire a pro; the results will be well worthwhile and this will also free up your valuable time to develop new products, sell like crazy, and serve your customers.


  1. Know your audience. Do some research to learn what publications your target market reads. When you get the inevitable call from a publication’s salesperson, make them work by asking for a detailed breakdown of the readership. Study the publications, print and online, to get a feel for what they cover and who they serve.
  2. Do not blanket email non-pertinent publishers. Nothing wastes more of our time then weeding through non-pertinent press releases. We receive releases about subjects that have nothing to do with our primary coverage areas. Whoever is sending these is wasting your money and also annoying potential partners in getting your company’s news out to readers.
  3. Get to know the editors. We’re human. We like to talk to people and learn about what’s going on. Don’t be afraid to look us up on the magazine masthead, call us, and ask about what we find interesting, what we’re working on now, and if we have any future projects that might need information that your company can provide. However…
  4. Don’t inundate the editors. We receive tons of press releases, announcements, invitations, etc., every day. Rest assured that we probably have received it. Feel free to check with a followup email to see if we did receive the original. However, if your release is not pertinent to our audience or if we are not able to use the information in your release, we might not respond. We just don’t have time to respond to every query.
  5. Please don’t ask to review the article prior to publication. AIN is a news organization, and like a major metropolitan newspaper we don’t share our product before it is published (although other publishers may allow this). Here’s a tip: we often place stories online before they appear in print, so keep an eye out and you might be the first to see the story with your company mentioned. And this leads to…
  6. Use your own clipping service. We’re sorry, but we don’t have time to alert you when an article that includes news about your company appears in one of our publications. By the time the article appears, we’re already working on the next 10 to 20 and more stories we each write every month.
  7. Please alerts us to any mistakes. As mentioned, we are human and we do occasionally make errors. The sooner you let us know, the sooner we can add a correction in the next print issue or e-newsletter and correct the story online.
  8. Help us get it right. If you are worried about the accuracy of quotes during an interview with your company’s executives, feel free to ask that the interview be recorded. Or record it yourself and provide a transcript to the writer. A company did this for me once, and it made my job much easier. Keep in mind that in many states, permission is required from at least one party in order to record a conversation.
  9. Know the publisher’s needs. Here’s another insider tip: AIN publishes print magazines at many air shows and conferences all over the world. Our need for content ramps up considerably well before each show, and this is an opportune time to get your story published. You can view AIN’s show schedule and a lot more at, then click on the “Advertise” link then “Media Kit.” The earlier you work with us for show coverage, the better your chances of getting in the magazine and online.
  10. Do something newsworthy. This is what it’s all about. No doubt your news is super-important, and of course it is to your company. What gets on the front page must be newsworthy, of wide import to our industry, and compelling. This doesn’t mean there isn’t room for your news somewhere else in the monthly AIN, our e-newsletters, at a show or online. Be realistic with your expectations, work with us, and we’ll do our best to get the word out.

For more tips on PR, download BDN’s PR Tool Kit here!

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